Merlena Bede in Virginia

Merlena Bede in Virginia is a THIEF that works as a EXOTIC DANCER in the state of Virginia, residing in the zip code 22191. She goes by stage name Cameron.

She stole $100 from a stripper company. She has been harassing the sales staff incredibly. Much more information is coming soon.
She is being turned over to collections for owing this money, until that time she will be marketed all over the internet. My Bad Worker will not tolerate disgruntled workers in any such way. This STRIPPER is a little child according to the owner of the strip company, who has been in over 200 TV shows, won the USA strip off twice and Playgirl man of the year, basically has a lot of success in the business and respects it. The stripper gets mad when she doesn’t get tipped and harassers the sales staff blaming them. The owner of strip company stated usually when strippers do this, it is because one they dont understand that not all people tip well and two and more commonly the stripper lacks the personality fitting to be a stripper – SHE HAS BEEN FIRED !

BLACKLIST Merlena Bede in Virginia  from any relationships in the work industry. She has a lot of verbal aggression and steals money is enough.

Merlena Bede in Virginia
Merlena Bede in Virginia
Merlena Bede Virginia

Green Box = Sales Person of Strip Company

Merlena Bede Virginia

White Box = Marlene Bede

marlene beded 22191