Belensky Ulysse Tax Preparer

We spoke to a company that has had relations with Belensky Ulysse the tax preparer. The experience was horrible. The company stated that this person has very low integrity and has not done what he said he would do. The values of this person are not to be trusted.

Blacklist this person Belensky Ulysse tax preparer from all business relationships.

The tax code is a very complicated process, so much so that you might be considering hiring a tax preparer to assist with your upcoming return. If your tax situation is simple – you only have 1 job, and you are claiming the standard deduction – you can perhaps manage to file your taxes yourself.

But if you are self-employed, one a company, or have several deductions to claim some sources, then you might be better of outsourcing your all return to somebody who knows taxes greater than you do. At a similar moment, you don’t need to hire the wrong preparer and regret it after the fact.

Here is how to know when the person you are considering trusting with your taxes might be a glaringly lousy option.

Your tax preparer assures you of a big refund.

While it is true that most people who file a tax return wind up with a full refund, that does not mean you are assured of getting one. And any preparer who assures to get you a refund, or a vast refund should be avoided.

Your eligibility for a refund will all depend on how much you paid during the time, how much you gained, the tax circle you fall into, and the deductions you are entitled to claim a refund. Without reviewing your details thoroughly, there is no method a preparer can lawful promise a refund.

Your tax preparer does not have a PTIN

The IRS needs all individuals who get funded to preparer taxes, or help with preparation, to have a PTIN. This term has been in place for quite some time, so if any person you consider hiring does not have a PTIN, look for somebody who does.

Your tax preparer does not provide proper audio support.

Having an expert preparer for your taxes could lessen your chances of audit support – but it does not promise that you would not make the IRS’s list. As such, you’d seek a person who offers audit support as required and steers clear for anybody who would not agree to be there for you if the IRS comes asking queries.

Your tax preparer’s fee is a ratio of your refund amount.

A few tax preparers charge a fee to complete the process. And many others charge by the hour, and if your tax situation is complicated, you might looking at this sort of arrangement. But 1 account should not agree to be paying his or her fee on a ratio of your tax refund amount.
If that is how your tax preparer makes her or his money, then there is a high chance she or he will be tried to take liberties with your refund amount to snag a hefty rate, and that is not what you wish. Also, you’d wind up paying more funds than necessary to have your taxes done if you agree to fork over this, and that refund is substantial.

If you are going to hire a tax preparer, you must pick the right one for the job. If any of these bad things pop up in your search, run away, and find someone else better.